CLE - Ageism in America

1.5 S

Place: Westmoreland Bar Association and via Zoom

12:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Ageism is discrimination against older people (typically based on negative and inaccurate stereotypes). It’s so ingrained in our culture that we often don’t even notice (or acknowledge the negative implications). Even when organizations have created policies and programs to guard against discriminatory practices and purport to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion standards to tackle the issues of racism and gender bias, age bias is seldom on the radar. Ageism is the ism in that it’s still socially, politically, and to some degree legally acceptable. Yet ageism has a host of negative effects, on people’s physical and mental well-being and society as a whole. And the negative stereotypes that fuel ageism diminish the inherent value of older individuals.


Speaker:  William McKendree, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Healthcae Benefit Solutions