CLE - Lawyers in Distress - Intervention Strategies for the Legal Professional


Place: Westmoreland Bar Association and via Zoom

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Course Objectives:

  1. Recognize that one in three legal professionals will struggle with substance use and/or a mental health disorder at some point in their legal careers.
  2. Spot the signs of impairment and learn the "Motivational Interventions" approach that yields results and saves lives.
  3. Utilize the confidential, free, safe, and supportive services that are available through the lawyers’ assistance programs throughout the United States.
  4. The barriers that exist that prevent lawyers and judges from asking for help with an alcohol or substance misuse or mental health disorder.
  5. Identify the parameters of Rule of Professional Conduct 8.3 (c) – and the safe harbor that it provides to protect attorneys working with an approved lawyers’ assistance program or who contact a lawyers assistance program on behalf of an attorney or judge who is struggling.



Brian S. Quinn, Esquire
Education and Outreach Coordinator
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of PA, Inc.


Preregistration fees must be prepaid at least 24 hours in advance. Those who do not prepay at least 24 hours in advance will be charged the walk-in fee. (WBA Members: $45; Non-Members: $55)

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